TexShare Card Program
Lending Policy Elements
Library Information
Natalia Veteran’s Memorial Library
Lending Policy Phone
Library Email
Participating Library Locations
TexShare Card holders may check out materials from the Main Library located at 501 Third Street, Natalia, TX 78059.
Obtaining a TexShare Card*
Patrons at the Natalia Veteran’s Memorial Library may request a TexShare Card at the circulation desk during normal business hours. Patrons under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Patrons must have had an active borrowing record at the Natalia Veteran’s Memorial Library for at least six months and have no overdue items, fines, or fees on their account.
Using a TexShare Card*
TexShare Card holders may apply for a free Natalia Veteran’s Memorial Library card at the circulation desk during normal business hours. Patrons under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Patrons must present a Texas driver’s license or photo ID and proof of their current address.
Loan Policies*
Circulation policies for visiting TexShare Card holders. Checkout limits are five books per person, and 2 DVDs per family. Our loan periods are 2 weeks for books and 1 week for DVDs. The Natalia Veteran’s Memorial Library currently does not have digital content or audiobooks in our collection. Materials cannot be checked out if there are any overdue materials, fines, or fees on the account.
TexShare Card Policies Website URL
Our website address is natalialibrary.org
Library Locations and Service Hours URL
Our location and hours are listed on our website at natalialibrary.org
Additional information on circulation policies and procedures
None at this time.